My sanctuary in nova scotia

My sanctuary in nova scotia

Tuesday 24 April 2012

As I read my favorite blogs tonight I hear the fog horns off in the distance. April showers for three days in a row is enough. Fog horns guiding the ships makes me whimsical.  My dad was in the navy for 33 years. He sailed into the Harbour many times. Whimsy.  Sentimental. As our yard gets watered this last few days I see the grass getting greener, the plants poking through the ground...I think of my mom and her garden, whimsy.. Sentimental.


  1. Yes, we do get tired of the rain but the sound of those foghorns I'm sure are beautiful...wish I could here them......from one sweetie to another....Roxie

  2. Your post touched a chord in my heart. My parents have gone on to Heaven - several years now - my Dad was in the Navy 21 years, developed Mesothelioma and battled long with that and my Mother passed away the day after Mother's day after battling cancer four years nearly to the day after Dad. I have been so sentimental very thankful and think of them often. I am happy to have visited and am your newest follower,

  3. I love how sweet and simple your blog is, and so sentimental. I love the way you love and miss your parents. I'm sure they know.

    I'm in Ireland now and the view out my window of the Atlantic of the Berra Peninsula reminds me of your view above. What gorgeous colors — they don't even look real. I came here to paint. Who would have know I could have stayed home and painted this photo from your blog?

    Nice to get to know you. I'm following now. Blessings, Tia
